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Writer's pictureMisted Forest

パルト1:日本に住む人々のための神経多様性ハック。Part 1: Neurodivergent Hacks while living in Japan.

This will be a multi-language post so I apologize if some translation is off. Please comment below to improve the translation.


(Since this a multi-language topic this post will be broken up into different parts. Please support the efforts of those invilved by purchasing a digital product or making a donation)


I have visited to Japan three times now with multiple years apart each time. I have made this as a guide to making living in Japan as neurodivergent more accessible.


Technology has made things so much easier. The first time I came to Japan in 2010 Google translate was in its beginning and you really were screwed if you didn't know Japanese outside of Tokyo when by yourself.


Since most brains can benefit from many tools, I will not separate the hacks by medical diagnosis but rather sensory and cognitive assistance. think of these like tools you have for building a house. We wouldn't use a hammer for a screw. In the same way, we need to use these tools appropriately.

ウェブサイト: Grammarly (これがないと大学や仕事のメールを乗り切れません。上級レベルの英語を頻繁に使用する場合は、お金を払う価値があります)、Quizlet (学習を確実にするアルゴリズムで学習が簡単)、Wani Kani (漢字の読み方を学ぶ)、Duo Lingo (言語学習に最適)、CHADD と Additute マガジン、ADHD ヘルプの ADDA。自閉症の場合は仕事のヘルプに Spectrums。

👁 🧐 光、色、視覚、視覚の圧倒について

衣類: 屋内と屋外のオプションのサングラス、冷却パッド付きの帽子、太陽のまぶしさを軽減するつば付きの帽子があります。

アプリ アプリ: I love Hue (色をより多く見るための目のトレーニング)、脳トレ アプリ、インテリア デザイン ゲーム

クラス: 色彩理論 (色について学ぶアート クラス)、描画 101 (陰影、遠近法、形状などの描画の基本を教える大学クラス)。アート クラスは脳の複数の部分を強化し、手と目の協調性を向上させます。Orgami (ある平面または次元から別の平面または次元を見るのに苦労する人もいますが、このアート フォームは、このスキルを向上させることができます)。

瞑想 瞑想: 炎を見つめる (🔥 視覚化が難しい人には、目を光に焦点を合わせ、目を閉じて画像を見るように訓練すると役立ちます)。インテリア デザインと風水では、家の整理整頓や装飾の方法を学ぶことができ、乱雑さを減らし、落ち着いた気持ちを作り、一日の準備を改善することができます。

テストとエクササイズ 検査: Stigmatizsum は、視覚の問題を検査する信頼性の高いテストで、視覚の健康状態を明確に理解できます。 指をなぞるエクササイズは、ボールを投げたりキャッチしたりするときに眼球の筋肉の柔軟性を高め、手と目の協調性を向上させる楽しい効果的な方法です。これらのテストとエクササイズは、視覚能力に自信を持てるようにデザインされています。

認知視覚テスト (失読症、書字障害、計算障害などの視覚学習障害があるかどうかを確認するのに役立ちます)

医師に尋ねること: 仕事や学校での支援を受けるための詳細情報については、これらのテストのいずれかが役立つと思われる場合は、医師に尋ねてください。

Websites: Grammarly (I could not survive college or professional emails without this; it's well worth paying for if you use high-level English a lot), Quizlet (learning easier with algorithms to make sure you are learning), Wani Kani (For learning how to read Kanji), Duo Lingo (Wonderful for learning languages), CHADD and Additute magazine and ADDA for ADHD help. Spectrums for job help if you have Autism.

For 👁 🧐 light, color, seeing, visual overwhelm

Clothing 服装: There are sunglasses for indoors and outdoors options, hats with cooling pads, and hats with brims to reduce sun glare.

Apps アプリ: I love Hue (Train your eyes to see more color), brain game apps, interior design games

Classes: Color Theory ( an art class to learn about color), drawing 101 (college classes that teach drawing basics like shading, perspective, and shapes). Art classes strengthen multiple parts of the brain and improve hand-eye coordination. Orgami (Some people struggle to see from one plane or dimension to another, and this art form can improve this skill).

Meditation 瞑想: Watch the flame ( 🔥 For those with difficulty visualizing, training the eye to focus on light and then closing your eyes to see the image is helpful). Interior Design and Feng Shui can teach you how to organize and decorate your home to reduce clutter, create calming feelings, and improve getting ready for the day.

Tests and exercises 検査: Stigmatizsum is a reliable test for vision problems, providing you with a clear understanding of your visual health. FingerFollow-the-finger exercises enhance eyeball muscle flexibility while throwing and catching a ball, a fun and effective way to improve hand-eye coordination. These tests and exercises are designed to give you confidence in your visual abilities.

Cognitive visual tests (These can help to see if you might have a visual learning disability such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia)

Things to ask your doctor: Ask your doctor "if you" think "any of these tests "might help "with more information on getting aid in work and school.

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