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Raising Money for Grad School

You would think that the USA government would make it so that school is free from those entering service professions...sadly this is not the case. Thus as a future art therapist in California, it would be wonderful if I could just focus on helping our community rather than having anxiety around student debt. You can help Art Therapy Graduate Students and myself by the following ways below. 

Ways to Help

Direct Donation

Direct donations make a huge difference thank you for your help.

Why not get some cool art through a great cause?

Hire Me 

Coaching, custom meditations, commissions and more

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I am currently Teaching yoga at Vertex in person.

Check here for my online class schedule.

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Reviews and Testimonials help others see how much your benefiting from my art, products, educational sharings and services. Spread the love.

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Funds Raised So far 

Full Break Down of loans v.s funds raised in (art sales, scholarships, working, etc)

Colorful, geographical figure speaking to a bird with a heart above it.

Learn More About my Program

Currently in a Masters in Master of Arts in Art Therapy (MAAT, MAATA) From Dominican University

Cost of Attendance 

Here is my budget (Link Coming Soon)

Blog Post about the realities of Living with Chronic Health Conditions as a student (Coming Soon)

Download and read my presentation on why I chose to get trained in Art Therapy

Check out some of my academic papers and educational shorts

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